A Journey Through Inner Turmoil & the Power of Angelic Guidance, Gathering of Angels with Jason Carlson

As I gazed upon the battlefield, a sense of desolation and sorrow overwhelmed me. It was unimaginable that this once serene place had become a battleground once again. Standing there, I could not shake the feeling that a greater war loomed ahead. Though I knew victories could be won in war, I pondered the cost they exacted. Uncertainty plagued my mind as I searched for strategies that would require minimal effort on my weary mind, body, and spirit. While I understood the necessity of fighting, I could not help but feel tired and isolated. This battlefield was not a physical one; it resided within my own mind, and the war raging within was one of inner turmoil.

Inner turmoil and suffering, though arduous, have been my greatest teachers throughout my existence. They have led me to profound personal growth and the pursuit of self-mastery. As I embarked on a massive spiritual awakening and the ascension process, I soon realized the toll it took on both my physical body and my mind. The world around me turned upside down, leaving no room for retreat. Desperately seeking guidance, I reached out to those I deemed more spiritually enlightened and educated than myself. I revisited every teacher, healer, spiritualist and lightworker I had encountered, hoping they could shed light on this turbulent and transformative journey. Concurrently, I fought to conceal the tempestuous battle raging within me, presenting a serene facade while fear and restlessness detonated like bombs inside. I longed for someone to illuminate this challenging and tumultuous path, yet some cheered me on, sharing their insights and encouraging me to take the leap of faith, while others grew envious or distrustful, attempting to sow seeds of confusion and divert me from my path.

In moments of prayer, I beseeched God for the right people to cross my path and aid me in the war that waged within. It was then that I reached out to my meditation teacher, Michael. We sat in a coffee shop for hours, where he patiently listened to my account. With great insight, he offered suggestions for books that could assist me in my journey of self-discovery. He refrained from imposing his own interpretation upon me, understanding that spiritual awakenings and the ascension process are profoundly individual experiences, devoid of a one-size-fits-all solution.

The intensity of the internal battle continued to escalate, as waves of contrasting emotions crashed upon me. Moments of elation, when I discovered new aspects of myself, quickly gave way to pity, as I struggled to comprehend the significance of it all. Finding balance between my earthly existence and my angelic aspirations became a profound challenge. While I yearned to dwell in the realm of the cosmos indefinitely, the responsibilities of motherhood and marriage grounded me to this earthly plane. My meditations grew more intense, delving deep into the shadows of my being, unraveling layers of myself that I had long kept locked away. This process was both painful and liberating, a paradoxical blend of anguish and emancipation.

On an ordinary morning, as I visited my local gym, I sensed a man following me. Completing my workout, I stepped into my car, only to notice him in my rearview mirror, closely tailing me. An inner voice guided me to veer away from my intended route home. Grateful for my intuition, I drove in the opposite direction, and to my horror, I discovered that the same man was attempting to follow me. Dark and unwelcome energy seemed to materialize out of thin air, and instinctively, I recognized its connection to the spiritual and unseen realm. Filled with uncertainty and not knowing where to turn, I reached out to Michael once again, leaving a frantic voicemail and text message. Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Michael lovingly acknowledged that this was beyond his expertise and provided me with the contact information of Jason Carlson. Michael assured me that Jason possessed knowledge and experience with angels, making him better suited to guide me through this ordeal. In that moment, I felt a tinge of hurt, as I hesitated to confide in yet another person and wondered why angels were being brought into the conversation.

Nevertheless, driven by the guidance of Spirit, I mustered the courage to call Jason.

Our conversation was brief, but there was an undeniable familiarity about him, and I felt an immediate sense of safety and trust. Jason exuded compassion, while also maintaining a keen sense of self and personal boundaries. His wisdom and grounded nature were precisely what I needed, as my lack of boundaries and naivety had often led to painful experiences.

I admired his ability to express love and compassion without compromising his own sense of identity.

Meanwhile, I yearned to absorb as much knowledge as I could from him, hoping he would somehow figure it all out for me, as I was spiritually exhausted from the relentless battle within my mind and now in the physical.

Attending the Gathering of Angels classes proved to be an incredible turning point in my journey. It was here that I began forging a personal relationship with my angels, My God Team. Deep within, I had always sensed their presence, yet in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it was difficult to connect with the unseen realm. When I discovered that Archangel Zadkiel, the Archangel of Forgiveness served as my Guardian Angel, tears of gratitude streamed down my face. I realized I had never been alone, even in the darkest of moments. I learned the identities of the members of my angelic team and how to collaborate with them. I discovered how to ask questions and discern true guidance from false.* The workshop overflowed with Divine energy, rekindling my spirit and awakening aspects of myself I never knew existed. *Additionally, I had the privilege of meeting Kathy, a remarkable woman who epitomized selfless service. Every moment of the workshop was filled with wonder, and I could not wait to return home and share the childlike innocence of my experience with my husband and family. Those precious moments were beyond compare.

However, as the initial excitement began to fade and Monday's sunrise painted the sky, I found myself back on the battlefield, entangled in my old patterns of thought. Weary and disheartened, I texted Jason with a tired and familiar question: "What should I do?" Part of me yearned for him to ride forth on his horse, joining the battle by my side, or better yet, fighting it on my behalf. Yet, with gentle compassion, Jason redirected me to call upon my angels. I read his response, and in a pregnant pause, I closed my eyes and visualized the battlefield awaiting my return.

Mounted on my horse, bolstered by newfound confidence, I summoned my angelic team, spirit guides, angels, ascended masters and Beloveds that Love me Unconditionally.

Bathed in profound Divine love, their presence enveloped me as they assumed their positions, ready for the battle ahead. I heard the neighs of their horses and the steady rhythm of their hooves, poised to charge forward at my command. Filled with humility and reverence, I let out a resounding battle cry of calling in My God Team, and together, we galloped into the battlefield of my mind, transcending turmoil and finding inner peace. In that moment, I recognized that the very essence of our Souls is rooted in our relationship with God, and I knew I would never be alone again.

With Boundless Love, Stephanie

This essay is dedicated to Jason Carlson, who has infused me with strength and self-confidence. I hold immense love and respect for you.

Discover more about Jason Carlson and his expertise by clicking here Jason Carlson Ascension


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